
Pack Philosophy for wearing a uniform

We desire your son to be a part of Cub Scouting.  We feel that the uniform helps a boy identify and feel a part. It also gives them something to wear with pride and to display their achievements. These are very obvious signs for the boys and give a sense of belonging and unity.

The following items can be purchased at either:

  • The Boy Scout Store – Located in Loveland Outlet Mall near Centerra (phone 970-203-9530)
  • Online at www.scoutstuff.org .

*Cub Scout Items

  1. *Cub Scout Shirt with patches(short sleeve or long sleeve) – see below for setup
  2. *Cub Scout slide for neckerchief
  3. *Belt – according to rank
  4. Hand-book  – according to rank
  5. *Neckerchief  – according to rank

*These are part of the official uniform we desire each Scout to wear and have.  For pants we just suggest blue jeans.  On nights we inspect the uniform the shirt should be ironed and tucked neatly into the jeans.

Cub Scout Shirt Setup (See official Scout Uniform card for more information)

  • Front left pocket:
    1. World Crest Patch – purple
    2. Ranks that have been earned (Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelo)
  • Left Shoulder:
    1. Longs Peak Council Patch
    2. Pack number 124
  • Front Right pocket:
  • Right Shoulder:
    1. Den # (Depends on which you are assigned to)

You will discover that there is more you can purchase like hats, pants, and socks. However our Pack considers a complete uniform what we have listed above with blue jeans.  Your son is welcome to wear any part of the official Cub Scout uniform.

Hints for purchasing

Buy large.  If your son swims in his shirt as a Tiger, you might not have to buy another shirt until he graduates to Boy Scouts. We realize a uniform can be costly and we would like for you to only need to purchase one shirt. Buy a short sleeve.  In winter they can just layer with a long sleeve underneath.


Download a copy of the Cub Scout Setup List

Download Official Scout Uniform card

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